Thursday, September 30, 2010


I went to a four hour accounting review with Mr. H. Yep 4 hours. You might know that Stephanie Nielson from is speaking at BYU on Sept. 30th. Last night, for some reason, was Sept. 30th in my mind. I went to the first little but of the review and then went to the ballroom to listen to her speak only to find she wasn't there. Instead it was still set up for the job fair.

I went back to accounting, played on my laptop, made some poor guy very uncomfortable and managed to learn nothing from the review. I came into work today and told my story and our accountant asked what the review covered. ... ... nope I've got nothing. The only thing I could think of was ma
rginal cost and benefit which is what Mr. H's econ lesson was on last week.

I must have really liked marginal costs and benefits.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Post Cards

Dear Reader,

I have to label over 4,000 post cards for work. Last night a got about half done in 3 hours. It's nice because I will get the extra hours and be able to take time off on Friday when the in-laws come into town for mission reunions and General Conference.

I'm really excited for Conference this year. Not that I haven't been in the past but this year a lot has changed. I graduated, got married, and got a full time job all in a couple of months time. Those are some BIG changes and now I get the chance to get a little (ok I need a lot) guidance and direction. I feel like a kid at Christmas waiting to find out what's under the tree. I've never had that feeling about Conference before.

Mr. H and I woke up this morning very tired. Mr. H has had a lot of homework to catch up on and I've been dealing with a health issue that makes me tired and sadly a bit grouchy. Joy. I feel behind. I'm not behind in blogging though. I've kept up pretty well with this blog and just started another. {From the Wanna Bee} The new blog has helped me keep up with writing and all of my many goals.


Sunday, September 26, 2010

Brad Paisley!!

Mr. H and I had an amazing weekend. It started with a Brad Paisley concert Friday night. We went with the B Family (Mr. H's boy friend). We had some amazing padded seats right in front of the lawn. We had a perfect spot for both the concert and the great display of public drunkenness.
Brad Paisley was pretty much awesome. Darius Rucker opened for him (Hootie and the Blow Fish). I'm now a new fan of his.

Saturday Mr. H and I slept in. Lovely! We then washed cars and went to the football game. We waited out the traffic at the B family's home (we really like the B family).

Sunday we again got to sleep in. We went to church then I came home to cook dinner and clean up while Mr. H went and visited some church people. We had what family we do have in the area over for dinner. There was PS3, haircuts and lots of laughs going on at our house (and dinner of course).

Mr. H finished up the weekend doing a little homework while I snoozed on the couch. I couldn't help it, my eyes would not stay open. I woke up and thought about the hair from the haircut on the kitchen floor (then fell back asleep), I woke up and thought about going to bed (and went back to sleep). Mr. H took care of the hair for me (how sweet he is) and I finally got myself to bed.

The End,

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Mrs. H and her to do lists

I'm a little OCD about lists. Just a little. Ok no lie, I love lists. I have them all over my desk at work, I have them for cleaning the house, for things I want to get done everyday, for things coming up that need to get done, for everything.

Lately I've been working on a household binder. I know it's just Mr. H and I but I'm hoping to have it perfected by the time our family grows. Also, I am hoping to get some help on some of the household chores from Mr. H. I'm so sneaky!

Do you have lists or household binders? Any ideas are greatly appreciated.

Here is my daily to
do list (it's pretty basic):

My Daily Task List

£ Wake Up

£ Prayer and Scripture Study

£ Make Lunches

£ 5 Minute Maintenance

£ Make Breakfast

£ Get Dressed

£ Gather work items + lunch + snacks

£ Go home and get gym things ready

£ Go to gym

£ 5 Minute Maintenance

£ Cook Dinner

£ Shower

£ Time w/ Corey + Rest

£ Prayer and Bed

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Can I have a friend over?

A question you may hear from your son or daughter but I hear it from Mr. H. Ok so he didn't exactly ask that question.

The story:

We normally have people over every Sunday for dinner or movies or games. I really wanted a break and therefore took it. I didn't clean house on Saturday knowing I wouldn't need it clean for guests the next day, I only got enough food for two and I had big plans for a nap. BIG plans.

I did get my nap (a 2 hour nap)...I love naps! When Mr. H and I woke up I asked him how he felt if I made peach cobbler and we invited the B family over. Mr. H got very excited and said he would get all of his homework done. A look of question came over my face and he said, "Because I get to have a friend over!"

Mr. H then explained that I am his best friend but Mr. B is his boy---friend. Poor Mr. B.

Needless to say the house is now clean and we are waiting for the arrival of the B family with the smell of sugary peach cobblerness.

* Peaches provided by the L family. Lots and lots and lots of peaches.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Funny Friday

Our week has been killer. We've been up early for work and school and then up late for the same reason. I've been too tired to do dishes everyday resulting in 2 or 3 sink loads of dishes to do on the days I feel a little more put together. Sometimes you just have those weeks.

That's why I wish I had a dog like Harvey...

Friday, September 10, 2010


I am glad I don't have to go to class but I do feel a tad bit for Corey who is taking Econ and Acc in the same semester. Probably not the best of ideas but I think he is up for the challenge. He's two weeks in now and I can tell it's starting to get to him. He wants to hang out with the guys and go to all of the games but he's going to have to pick his battles.

He's also taking Greek and Roman lit and currently reading the Iliad. I get to read it with him and even go to his class on Fridays. Love that! His teacher is a nut but I kinda understand that...because I am probably just as much of a nut for mythology. But anyway,

My current projects are refinishing a dresser and mirror acquired for free, finishing a couple of photo shoot edits, and keeping the apartment clean. The last one seems to be never ending so therefore the first two have been put on the back burner but hopefully I will be able to get on those soon. Very excited to post the latest engagement shoot ( Tanna and Joe were just absolutely gorgeous!

Well that's our life in a nutshell. More soon.