Monday, November 19, 2012

FHE: Work

Topic: Work
Be Anxiously Engaged” by Elder M. Russell Ballard in General Conference October 2012


For young children:
Honeybees work together to make honey.  They work very hard.  One bee produces a very little amount of honey but every bee is very important.

Why is each honey bee so important? When the honeybees work together they can make a lot of honey. 

Show a container of honey.  If one bee had to make all of this honey he would get very tired.  But if lots of honeybees worked together each one only has to work a little but to make all of this honey.

As a family we can get a lot done by working together.

In what ways do we work together as a family?

Have children color a picture of a honeybee. (example)

For teenagers and adults:
Have someone read the following quote:
“We read of the service Church members provide around the world and especially the humanitarian service given in times of crises – fires and floods and hurricanes and tornadoes.  These much-needed and much-appreciated emergency responses should certainly continue as a way of bearing one another’s burdens.  But what about our everyday lives? What would be the cumulative effect of millions of small, compassionate acts performed daily by us because of our heartfelt Christian love for others? Over time this would have a transformative effect upon all of our Heavenly Father’s children through the extension of his love to them through us.  Our troubled world needs this love of Christ today more than ever, and it will need it even more in the years ahead.”

Talk about service performed by family members.
·         Church service projects
·         Scouts
·         YM/YW

What are some things we can do daily to help others?

Elder Ballard says there is one simple thing we can do to make daily service a habit. 

“In your morning prayer each new day, ask Heavenly Father to guide you to recognize an opportunity to serve one of His precious children.  Then go throughout the day with your heart full of faith and love, looking for someone to help.  Stay focused, just like the honeybees focus on the flowers from which to gather nectar and pollen.  If you do this, your spiritual sensitivities will be enlarged and you will discover opportunities to serve that you never before realized were possible.

President Spencer W. Kimball said: “God does notice us, and he watches over us.  But it is usually through another person that he meets our needs.  Therefore, it is vital that we serve each other” (Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Spencer W. Kimball [2006], 82).


Beehive jar:

What you will need:
·         Glass jar or vase
·         Yellow or cream strips of paper (larger squares for younger children)

Explain how we just learned that by small daily acts of service each member of the family can help improve the atmosphere in the home.

Take a strip of paper and write down an act of service a member of the family has performed in the home.  Ask other family members to do the same thing.  Younger children can draw a picture of service. Have older kids and parents help younger children think of acts of service. Keep doing this until the jar is filled.

If we all pitch in and do a few little things we can fill this jar and fill our home with love and happiness. 

Friday, November 16, 2012

Free Tip: Green Onions

I have learned a lot from Pinterest.  No, really I have! For example: Did you know that you can get regrowth from your green onions?

I pinned this a while back:

Finally remembered to keep my green onions rather than throw them away.  I had my doubts that it would work but it was worth a try. 

I will have you know my thumb is far from green.  Ask Mr. H, I kill every plant that comes into our home/garden.  I have killed a number of basil plants, tomato plants, and flowers.  Currently I have a tree only needs water once a month and I am lucky if I remember to do that.  So far it lives but I am sure it is just a matter of time.  Miraculously we still have a blueberry bush but it has never had blueberries and only had leaves for a brief moment.  So I guess it's a bunch of blueberry bush branches (say that 10x's fast).  

But regrowing green onions I can do! I've regrown them at least 4 or 5 times.  I just grab my kitchen scissors and chop as much as I need.  My favorite thing to put them in is eggs. I spray a bowl with Pam, beat two eggs, and add salt/pepper/green onions. I shamelessly microwave them until they are almost done, add some cheese and cook them until done and melted. 

Microwaved eggs aren't for everyone.  Mr H really doesn't like them!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Inspiration: Wall Gallery

Have you seen this on Pinterest?

I pinned it a while back, before we moved into the new house, and I have yet to actually do it. I have the perfect wall for it too.

We hope to knock the wall out (it divides the living room from the kitchen) and replace it with an L shaped bar. I keep using this as an excuse for not hanging pictures on this wall. What’s the point if we’re just going to knock it down right? The reality is, it will probably be YEARS before we do that.

Now my excuse is, when am I going to have the time and money to get all of those frames?!


Monday, November 12, 2012

The Mommy Switch

In the last few weeks I’ve been asked several times how I would handle leaving Baby B to go back to work. My Answer: I would be ok. He’s being watched by Grandma, holidays are coming, and I’m pretty strong emotionally. I also know that we are working on a way for me to be able to stay home. I’ve also been asked how it feels to be a mom. My Answer: It’s good. (I really don’t know how to answer that question.)
Part of me has been feeling guilty for not dreading the day I go back to work. Part of me has been feeling guilty for not feeling different now that I am a mom. Isn’t there a switch that gets turned on that makes me an emotional and over-protective mommy? I don’t think it has turned on yet or our hospital stay made me numb or stronger than I thought.

Then we took Baby B to Grandma’s this morning and he stared at me while I went through the basics of his day to day. He stared at me as I tried to leave without crying. As soon as my eyes started to water I ran for the car.

So I am human. I do miss my baby. However, I have been blessed to be tough while I make it through working while we pay off bills and get Mr. H through school. I have been blessed that someone who will love Baby B as much as I do is watching him during the day.