Thursday, March 11, 2010

Bad Morning

I woke up Wednesday morning around 6:00 for my usual run with Diana but something very unusual happened. I was leaving my house...on my way to the door...I glanced over to the living room and stopped dead in my tracks. 

There was someone in our living room! I didn't recognize the person (could still be one of my roommates since I don't ever see them).  She was just standing there facing the window (back toward me). Of course seeing someone in my living room scared me but that doesn't change the fact that there was a girl in my living room so I said, "Hello?"..."Are you ok?"..."Hello!" and I didn't get a response out of her. By this time I realize it's a mannequin but I am still freaking scared! I ran out the door, jumped in my car and headed to Diana's. 

By the time I picked up Diana my body was finally kicking into scared mode, yeah a little late I know, and I was shaking. Great! I wasn't able to finish our mile and a half today because after a mile I developed a stitch in my side that was making it really hard to breath. 

I looked up causes and remedies for side stitches up later and most mentioned stress as a factor. 

I wasn't stressed at all! Psh!

Here are some pictures for your enjoyment. Keep in mind it was dark when I saw the girl...much more creepy! And I didn't dare get that close until it was fully light outside and my roommate was up and in the kitchen. 


  1. It's always my fear that in the shadows will be a person, or mean animal...and it happened! Well kind of.
