Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Baby B is 6 Weeks!

I can't believe it's been 6 weeks already! When we brought Baby B home 3 weeks ago I knew time would start to pick up. We keep pretty busy with doctor appointments for both of us, getting the house organized and shopping of course.

During his stay in the hospital it was very obvious how much people loved him.  The nurses, family and friends couldn't get enough of the little guy.

Being able to take him out of the hospital for the first time was the best feeling, even though we had to drive straight to Lutheran to get paperwork.

At home Baby B got lots of grandma time.  It was great having my mom and sister here for 6 weeks. They were both very helpful.  Grandma even took Baby B overnight so I could get some sleep.

We get lots done. Really, we do.

Baby B was blessed on September 16th and afterward we took our first family photo (out of the hospital).

My dad and brother came into town for the blessing.  Uncle W will be going back out on a mission soon now that he he healthy again.  I was very excited he got to see Baby B before leaving.  Uncle W got out of flooring and painting by taking care of the little one.

We tried to take pictures multiple times but as soon as we laid him down he would wake up.  Unless of course we had his binkie in his mouth.

Baby B has always slept with his arms above his head.  

He is also making lots of faces! (and looks just like Daddy!)

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