Thursday, February 3, 2011

Be Where Your Feet Are

The last couple of weeks have been quite an adventure. And I choose the word adventure now but that's a recent development. I was looking over one of my favorite websites {} and watched this video.  I came across a quote I absolutely love:

"Be where your feet are."

I was in the habit of looking too far forward.  Finances were good and I was making plans. Bigger apartment plans...Bigger family plans. {gasp} No I am not pregnant; yes I do have the itch. The key is I was comfortable.  And then I was laid off, health care providers two stepped around my questions, and my lip swelled to twice its size. It's no secret I stress about finances and life in general but maybe the key is not to focus so much on what I cannot have in the future and focus on what I currently have.

I have:

An amazing husband
A warm and cute apartment
A job
Food for my table
A degree

Don't get me wrong it's good to have goals for the future, especially finacially, but it's also good to enjoy life today. 

So good bye for today while I go enjoy life...and a girls' night.

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