Cor and I are both working on finishing up our last semesters (me for good). But Cor will have some more school after his associates at....guess where...BYU! Yep he got in and we are way excited for him. No more traveling to SLC, no more calc, no more gas guzzling. So we will be here in Provo for a little while longer. There is talk of CO after he graduates, which I am totally fine with!
I've also jumped into a photography business. I made it official with the government and everything. That was super annoying! I kept getting the run around and what should have taken a day, maybe two, took about a week! Part of that was my fault but still...bah. But now it's done and I am having way too much fun with it!
My next shoot will be of Elizabeth, a cello player! We're going to have so much fun with that!
I know you are dying to know where we are in the countdown. Well graduation is 22 days away and the wedding is 73. Wow, to me it seems like a lot, but Cor keeps reminding me that it's only a little over two months. TWO MONTHS!!! I better get on the ball!