Let's kick things off the right way and share a little of our story. We met a little over a year ago here in Provo. We hung out a couple of times by chance but didn't really think we had much in common at the time.
Just a couple of months ago we started hanging out a little more. I stocked him for his phone number. I succeeded but he didn't know who was texting him. It took a couple of days to figure out but he caught on and asked me out on a date. We went to DQ for ice cream and I was completely comfortable with him so I decided to go ahead and let him know I was interested... which means planning things to do with him not actually telling him of course. I didn't have to try too hard since oddly enough he was interested in me too!
We spent about a week getting to know each other better while doing homework, watching tennis and cooking, my favorite activity, before we held hands.
Believe it or not we took things slow! I know getting engaged after 4 months is on the fast side but when you know...you know, and I knew after a month. I think Corey did too but we both took some time making sure.
We got engaged on New Year's eve. It was the best possible way, for me at least, to get engaged. I know you're probably thinking, "That's what everyone says." But really it was perfect. First of all, I've always been the romantic type. I will normally deny this but for the story's sake I admit it. Due to my romantic ideals I have always wanted to kiss someone on New Years. And in 22 years it has never happened. Until now!
I flew into Denver and Cor picked me up. We went back to his place where he had the living room set up for a dinner for two. He claimed we were having a Christmas dinner since we weren't together for Christmas. We ate, exchanged gifts, and then he asked if I was ready for dessert. This I was definitely not expecting. Already Cor has surprised me with dinner and now dessert too? Yes, I am spoiled. The heart shaped cake he brought in looked great, but what I didn't see was "Jes will you marry me?" written on top. I also didn't realize he was on one knee until he actually asked the question. So I was surprised and I absolutely loved it!
And the rest as they say is history...I've never really liked that saying but now that I really think about it it makes sense. History is written down, remembered, most of the time even cherished but there is always something moving forward...always a future. Ok, little tangent over.